Recently, Wife and I heed the advice of a couple in our zone to intentionally spend time praying together daily. This is our 6th night and I would like to share how it has evidently helped our relationship.
We intentionally prioritise praying for our marriage before praying for any other people. We experienced breakthrough in our comfort level in sharing our inner thoughts and feelings. There is breakthrough in our connections.
We are intimate physically, emotionally and mentally. These few days we experienced being intimate spiritually. The sense of inter-dependent became stronger. The way we express our love for one another has a new found depth.
We also bring our daily work problem to God. Each time we prayed about the same thing, we can sense the breakthrough emotionally and spiritually in us as day passes by.
The by-product of praying together includes God speaking to us about ministry became clearer and quicker. The sense of reliability with one another grew as we face unknown circumstances in ministry, we felt the eagerness to pray together to hear from God.
Not forgetting to mention that there are breakthroughs in physical intimacy as well.
Sometimes, we even tell God silly things that happened in our day, and laughed together during prayer.
By the grace of God, I pray that Wife and I will continue praying together daily the rest of our lives. And we invite all our church couples to join us in this new spiritual habit as well.